Monthly Archives: May 2024

“Let Us make man in Our image,”


It has been years. Literally, no exaggeration. Years. I have sought, looked, asked, prayed, and waited.

What was I looking for, praying for, seeking you ask? A mentor. A man who has gone before me that I can walk with, learn from, teach me. I want to be taught. I want to grow. Into a man, but not just any man, it needs to be the man God created me to be. That takes help. It isn’t something I can do on my own, and quite frankly, I don’t believe we are supposed to.

People have helped me pray for a mentor; a group of men who match men with a mentor, put me on the list. It was radio silence.

I’m pretty good at creating things, but this was one relationship I did not want to create, but one that I wanted my Father to develop.

So I waited.

And waited.

The world is relentless. It is ready and waiting, also, to fill in any spaces, gaps that we have within ourselves, and it’s sly, devious, and cunning.

And then it happened. I don’t remember how it came about or where it came from, but there He was.

Fathered by God. I found a mentor in a book written by John Eldredge, titled, Fathered by God. My Father was telling me, showing me, leading me into a mentoring relationship with Him.

This is the second time the Lord has used a book to move me, take me somewhere.

The first book was Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. This book, through the help of my pastor, brought me into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

This second book, Fathered by God, brought me into a relationship with my Father. Let’s not get confused here. Of course I had a relationship with Him because of my relationship with Christ, but there are depths to relationships, and this took me deeper, a relationship that was one like a Father to His son. The mentoring relationship I was looking for and took years to find. No, I didn’t find it, He found me, sought me, came to me, and by His grace I was paying attention.